A complete non-fiction literacy program that will help children develop an understanding of all non-fiction text types.
A complete non-fiction literacy program that will help children develop an understanding of all non-fiction text types.
Elvis Presley
Bob Dylan
"Love at first sight? Not quite - but two children, two dogs and bunches of roses bring Carol and John together. A modern love story."- back cover.
Hear our stories - African stories - Australian Aboriginal stories - Native American stories - Mesoamerican and South American stories - Arab stories - Chinese and Japanese stories - Celtic stories.
Matthew Flinders faced a long separation from his beloved wife, when he became the first to chart and circumnavigate Australia.
Tells the story of the wreck of the Admella in 1859, whilst on her regular run from Adelaide to Melbourne.
Kojak: The Trade-Off: A Novel
Raised to be her twin sister Rafia's body double and bodyguard, Frey now has a new face and body.