This Learner Guide addresses the competency CHCCOM2B Communicate appropriately with clients and colleagues. It provides learners with a structured learning pathway of concepts, examples, and activities, addressing each Performance Criteria of the competency standard in a logical fashion. This Learner Guide will help trainees and students achieve superior learning outcomes as it: Provides engaging material for learning, designed to increase the participant’s interest in the program and likelihood of completion Is written in relevant, easy-to-read language that facilitates learning Provides numerous activities that develop concepts and reinforce skills Provides clear links between learning and practice Can be used in both workplace and classroom training environments This Learner Guide will help teachers and trainers of the competency standard by: Providing a clear and consistent resource for each participant Giving the necessary underpinning knowledge for each participant minimising the need for further handouts and/or preparation Providing a source of assessment activities and/or a component of a portfolio of evidence when complete
CHCCOM2B: Communicate Appropriately with Clients and Colleagues
This is an assessment tool developed for the Australian Community Services Training Package.
"... this unit will contribute towards the CHC40102 Certificate IV in Aged Care Work from the CHC02 Community Services Training Package." --p. xi.
This is essential reading for all those interested in the future of our society.
CHCGROUP3C Plan and Conduct Group Activities
Learning Disability Team, by individuals as a self-study pack or by staff groups working through it together.
CHCCS6B: Assess and Deliver Services to Clients with Complex Needs
CHCORG28A: Reflect and Improve Upon Professional Practice (02).
This Learner Guide addresses the competency BSBCMN310A Deliver and monitor service to customers.
Unique Peaks: The Definition, Role and Contribution of Peak Organisations in the South Australian Health and Community Services Sector