Regenesis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet

Regenesis: Feeding the World Without Devouring the Planet
Social Science
George Monbiot


* GEORGE MONBIOT IS THE WINNER OF THE 2022 ORWELL PRIZE FOR JOURNALISM * What if there were a way to stop climate change and end global hunger at the same time? The way we feed ourselves is destroying the planet, and a collection of crises have brought the global food supply to its breaking point. But it doesn't have to be this way. With technology that already exists, we could sustainably provide everyone on the planet with a healthy diet. By cultivating hydrogen-eating bacteria, deep-rooted plants, and much richer communities of insects--coupled with existing technology to reduce our dependence on meat--we can dramatically reduce our carbon footprint, solve world hunger, and halt the sixth extinction at the same time. George Monbiot is an internationally renowned climate activist, widely known for bringing bold, creative thinking to the climate and ecological crises facing our planet. Now, he turns his attention to the global food system to offer a reimagining of the way we feed ourselves on a scale to fit the urgency of the problems we face.

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