The APS Topical Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas brings together researchers working in atomic physics and in plasma science, emphasizing the strong and synergistic overlap of these fields. The latest developments in atomic physics reported are recent advances in plasma science, such as in magnetic or inertial confinement fusion, Z-pinches, astrophysics, and technical plasma processing.
The proceedings of an international conference in Portland, Maine, August 1991, presenting 16 of the 25 invited papers on the atomic physics in plasmas. Combining literature reviews and original research...
Atomic processes in plasmas: conference on atomic processes in plasmas held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Septembar 28-Octobar 2,1987
Eighteenth and Nineteenth International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas
The book is a comprehensive edition which considers the interactions of atoms, ions and molecules with charged particles, photons and laser fields and reflects the present understanding of atomic processes such as electron capture, target ...
The proceedings of the Eleventh APS Topical Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas benchmarks the ongoing research developments in the interdisciplinary interaction between atomic and plasma physicists as they tackle...
This volume of proceedings presents recent research in the areas of overlap between atomic and plasma physics. The activities of two international data centres are discussed.
This conference brought together people working in various areas of atomic and molecular physics on one hand and the plasma physics on the other.