This volume reports the latest work of 37 leading researchers invited to speak at the 15th International Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas. All papers have been peer-reviewed. The topics span 11 orders of magnitude of temperature (from laser-cooled particles to fusion reactors) and 25 orders of magnitude of length scale (from nanolithography to astrophysics).
Astrophysics from the Moon
Who knows what Brian May was thinking when he wrote "We Will Rock You" for Queen? As a lifelong astrophysics aficionado, he may have been thinking about the origins of...
For more than a century, Mars has been at the center of debates about humanity’s place in the cosmos. Focusing on perceptions of the red planet in scientific works and...
From the Tower of Babel to the Starship Enterprise, some part of our collective mind has always been at work scheming of ways to storm the heavens and reach the...
Even with a flight plan containing an over-optimistic collection of tasks, Gemini 4 was considered a major success; a combination of goals accomplished and valuable lessons learned for future manned...
Understanding the energy source and physical processes within active galaxies are the most challenging areas of current research. Using a logical format and easy-to-follow explanations, Robson demonstrates the crucial connections...
BLACK HOLES A TRAVELER'S GUIDE Clifford Pickover's inventive and entertaining excursion beyond the curves of space and time. "I've enjoyed Clifford Pickover's earlier books . . . now...
Introduction to Observing and Photographing the Solar System