Phase Transitions in Grey Matter: Brain Architecture and Mind Dynamics relates the complex systems that we know as 'mind' and 'brain' to simple concepts in physics such as 'phase transition' and 'criticality' and establishes a close mathematical link between them. A serious review of live issues in science--from interaction and correlation to emergence, scale invariance, attractors, noise and chaos--this book demonstrates their relevance to intelligence and consciousness.
The unifying theme of this book is the notion that all of these bulk changes in brain behavior can be treated as phase transitions between distinct brain states.
... is the analytic amplitude (the blue curve in Fig.9.1c), dt, (9.2) Aj(t) = √ ( v2j(t) + u2j(t) ) , (9.3) and the arctangent of the angle of the vector with respect to the real axis is the analytic phase (blue sawtooth in Fig.9.1d), ...
Quantum phase transitions (QPTs) offer wonderful examples of the radical macroscopic effects inherent in quantum physics: phase changes between different forms of matter driven by quantum rather than thermal fluctuations, typically at very ...
those subjects who developed psychosis (ARMS-T; n = 12) had less grey matter than subjects who did not (ARMS-NT; n = 23) in the right ... The transition from prodromal phase into frank psychosis (Job, Whalley, Johnstone, & Lawrie, 2005; ...
The subcortical white matter is hyperintense to gray matter during the juvenile phase (weeks 1–4; a), isointense during the transition phase (6 weeks; b), and exhibits hypointensity during the maturing phase and into adulthood (8–36 ...
115, 319–324 (1997) Fernandes-de-Lima, V.M., Kogler, J.E., Bennaton, J., Hanke, W.: Wave onset in central gray matter - its intrinsic optical signal and phase transitions in extracellular polymers. An Acad.
Cortical Grey Matter Grey matter consists of neurones, synapses and unmyelinated axons. ... synaptic proliferation in the prefrontal area in early adolescence, followed by a plateau phase and subsequent reduction and reorganisation.
... 132 Pectoralis major clavicula (PMC), 73, 73f, 142,255 Percardium meridian alarm point, 152f Periaqueductal gray matter (PAG), 99 Pericardium meridian, 48f, 50 Phantom pain, 190 Phase transitions, 339, 341 Philosophy, 19 Physical.
Grey. Matter. Changes. During. the. Transition. to. Psychosis: Longitudinal. Studies ... The transition from prodromal phase into frank psychosis [43, 49] and the first 2 years of the firstepisode [50] has been associated with frontal ...
In LC systems the order is not threeYdimensional but, according to Grey, oneY or twoYdimensional, i.e. the regularity ... The main cause of matter transition to a liquid crystalline phase state, as soon as the melting point is achieved, ...