In the fast-changing field of Intellectual Property, you need a supplement that keeps pace with ongoing developments. This thoroughly updated supplement from the succesful author team of Merges, menell, Lemley, and Jorde will keep your course on the cutting edge. The book offers: a popular mix of economic and technologicl information distinguished authors, known for their activity and expertise in the subject wide coverage of intellectual property documents What's new for 1999? major legislative changes in the 1998 term n entire new 'case' supplement section, including three recent Supreme Court cases and several lower court decisions a new Appendix containing an introduction to biotechnology Notice the book's treatment of: Restatement of Torts Uniform Trade Secrets Act Economic Espionage Act of 1996 Patent Act Copyright Act Trademarks and Unfair Competition Selected State Codes Paris Convention For The Protection of Industrial Property Berne Convention For The Protection of Literary and Artistic Works General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: Agreement of the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights Sherman Antitrust Act National Cooperative Research Act To keep your materials as current as possible, be sure to adopt INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY IN THE NEW TECHNOLOGICAL AGE: Selected Statutes and Cases, 1999.
Law school case/text book covering intellectual property law. Volume I surveys philosophical perspectives, trade secret law, and patent law.
Prize winners James Watson and Francis Crick.) Each "step" has two halves — two separate bases joined by hydrogen bonds in the middle. The four bases that form the steps are adenine (A), thymine (T), guanine (G), and cytosine (C).
Law school case/text book covering intellectual property law. Volume I surveys philosophical perspectives, trade secret law, and patent law.
Law school case/text book covering intellectual property law. Volume II surveys copyright law, trademark law, and state IP protections.
Law school case/text book covering intellectual property law. Volume I surveys philosophical perspectives, trade secret law, and patent law.
Law school case/text book covering intellectual property law. Volume II surveys copyright law, trademark law, and state IP protections.
Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age: 2005 Case and Statutory Supplement
If people can so easily send music on the Internet for free, for example, who will pay for music? This book presents the multiple facets of digitized intellectual property, defining terms, identifying key issues, and exploring alternatives.
This thought-provoking volume offers an update on current international IPR negotiations and includes case studies on software, computer chips, optoelectronics, and biotechnologyâ€"areas characterized by high development cost and easy ...
Law school case/text book covering intellectual property law. Volume I surveys philosophical perspectives, trade secret law, and patent law.