Federal Telecommunications Law

Federal Telecommunications Law
Federal Telecommunications Law
Wolters Kluwer
John Thorne, Michael K. Kellogg, Peter W. Huber


This definitive legal guide to the new world of telecommunications provides you with thorough, authoritative analysis you need to understand and comply with the complex regulatory landscape in the industry. You'll find timely review of key legislation, FCC rules, regulations and orders, and court decisions with extensive citations and cross-references for such essential topics as the economics of interconnection and detailed discussions of pricing methodologies of offering services for resale; interconnection rules for wire line networks, including the specific rules imposed on incumbent LECs; antitrust litigation in the wake of the 1996 Act, with comprehensive analysis of the cases brought against incumbent local telephone companies; significant changes to universal services requirements; regulations and policies involving horizontal and vertical mergers and acquisitions; the FCC's rule-making and other powers; rights and duties arising from the laws of privacy, intellectual property and free speech; and much more. Federal Telecommunications Law, Second Edition provides all the laws and rules -- including those for price regulation, common carriage, universal service, regulations and court decisions -- are analyzed in detail to provide you with a thorough understanding of the environment within which you must work. Trends in competition, industry structures and technology are explored -- offering you a total picture of the telecommunications industry, in areas such as telecommunications equipment; long distance services; wireless services; the Internet and data services; information services; video services; and more.

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