This phenomenally successful coursebook keeps getting stronger with each new edition. Now, In addition to demonstrating a sound step-by-step approach to legal research that will serve students throughout their professional careers, THE PROCESS OF LEGAL RESEARCH, Fifth Edition, helps students choose among the proliferation of resources. New material throughout the Fifth Edition deals with the ongoing choice between paper and electronic research, such as: -when the choice takes place in the research process -how the choice among different media results in different access means, scope, and currency of materials -differences in the search capabilities of the Internet, LEXIS, and WESTLAW -how to conserve a client's financial resources -best research practices in terms of media choices and uses, with careful attention to when paper sources are better This outstanding author team continues to impact the principles and practices of successful legal research with: -The process approach that leads students through the steps of effective legal research with unmatched clarity. Comprehensive coverage that begins with the basics (research terms, media options) and proceeds to detail specific sources for in-depth consideration. -A clear and consistent chapter structure helps students focus on key topics and makes the book a reference of enduring value. -A case study that demonstrates all the research sources in the context of a real example. -Excellent illustrations that give examples of sources and prepare students for what they will find when they conduct their research. -Problem sets that help students test their knowledge and give instructors ready-to-use exercises. Thoroughly revised for its Fifth Edition, THE PROCESS OF LEGAL RESEARCH now includes: -important material on - Thomas, The Internet site of the Library of Congress, found in the chapter on Legislative History -updated information in the chapter on Citators to reflect recent developments, including Key Cite -all new fact situations in the problem sets -a revised Teacher's Manual to help you tailor the book to your individual course needs By achieving the proper balance between what to do and how to do it, THE PROCESS OF LEGAL RESEARCH has helped thousands of students develop essential skills and has secured its position as the number one text in the field. Be sure to examine the impressive new Fifth Edition of this consummate teaching tool.
《中国法律制度》系统而简明地阐明了改革开放以来中国法律体系的建构过程,指出现在我国已经初步建成完备的社会主义法律制度,并指出中国法律制度进一步完善所需要努力的方 ...
(12)夏勇.“风险社会”中的“风险”辨析——刑法学研究中“风险”误区之澄清[J].中外法学.2012, (2):250—262. (13)赵书鸿.风险社会的刑法保护[J].人民检察.2008,(6):42—45. (14)郝艳兵.风险社会下的刑法价值观念及立法实践[J].中国刑事法杂志,2009,(7):15— 23.
本书对国际统一商法和国家主权,特别是国家主权所制定的法律之间的相互作用关系进行了研究。内容包括:国际商法与国内法关系发展的历史回顾、国际商法和国内法的分离、国际 ...
如,每天不超过25磅或者一年不超过250磅的石化木(petrified wood)是不用付费的。有关普通矿物质的规定主要体现在43C.F.R.part 3600“Mineral Materials Disposal”中。(1)自然资源部:《中国矿产资源报告2018》,第1页。(2)林家彬、刘洁、李彦龙等:《中国矿产 ...
(8)参见李忠勇:《对于完善刑事瑕疵证据补救制度的思考——以某中级法院普通刑事案件判决为样本》,载《法律适用》2013年第2期。(9)实践中常用的“提取”证据,实际上就是扣押,所谓提取笔录,其实是不规范的,应当称为扣押笔录。(10)郎胜主编:《中华人民共和国刑事 ...
本书研究了网络时代媒体与司法关系的新变化、域外对媒体与司法关系规则的修正,并对网络时代媒体与司法关系规则的构建提出了设想,认为在网络时代,司法机关在向媒体公开信 ...
本技术规范主要起草人:蔡伟雄、黄富银、张钦廷、管唯、汤涛、吴家声。 1 范围本技术规范规定了刑事责任能力评定的基本原则、要求和方法。本技术规范适用于对刑事案件中犯罪嫌疑人的刑事责任能力评定,有关违法案件的受处罚能力评定亦可参照执行。
本书是查尔斯·A. 比尔德运用经济因素阐释美国宪法创制史的代表性著作,通过分析经济因素对政治的影响,改变了美国宪法创制史的研究.比尔德认为 ...
于是,博比为泰森推荐了一位叫达马托的老师。达马托可以说是美国拳击界的领军人物,在他名下培养出好多拳王。当时,达马托已经70岁了。如果说博比是泰森打拳击的启蒙老师的话,那么达马托就是把泰森送往世界拳王宝座的老师。虽然达马托是泰斗级的拳击教练, ...