Criminal Law and Its Processes: Cases and Materials

Criminal Law and Its Processes: Cases and Materials
Criminal Law and Its Processes
Aspen Publishers
Sanford H. Kadish, Stephen J. Schulhofer


This eagerly-awaited revision of the number one casebook in Criminal Law demonstrates once again that authors Kadish and Schulhofer know how to build on success. Maintaining best-seller status in a crowded field like Criminal Law requires equal attention to developments inside and outside the classroom. Crimial Law and Its Processes, Seventh Edition meets the challenge with characteristic intellectual integrity. Longtime users will recognize the hallmarks of this superior treatment: nationally recognized scholars Sanford Kadish and Stephen Schulhofer bring insight and acuity to every page comprehensive coverage of guilt, punishment, exculpation, as well as rape, homicide and theft cohesive intellectual framework - viewing the criminal law as an institution for imposing blame and punishment as a means of societal control cases chosen for their proven teaching value, combined with notes, excerpted materials, questions, and problems for maximum pedagogical effectiveness problems test students' understanding of applications and interactions of legal principles in the context of particular offenses. full coverage of the Model Penal Code addresses not only the conceptual and moral framework of criminal law, but also practical litigation realities and the ethical responsibilities of the criminal defense attorney The Seventh Edition introduces a wealth of new material into the notes and carefully updates traditional topics: developments in crime and control policy, including important trends in incarceration, capital punishment, and implications for racial justice new forms of punishment and control, such as 'Megan's law' notification, 'shaming,' and sexually violent predator confinement recent developments in the uses and limits of incapacitation new commentary on classic cases, such as Regina v. Prince substantial updating and reorganization of rape material, combining more concise coverage with greater depth in treatment of emerging issues and statutory solutions refined and streamlined section on mental disorder scrupulous editing of note material for greater clarity and accessibility If you haven't already used Kadish and Schulhofer's best-selling casebook, this streamlined yet sophisticated new edition will make you reconsider.

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