The perfect study guide for a Corporations or Business Associations course. You will find it easier than ever to grasp the basic principles of Agency and Partnership.
This magisterial research review presents and analyses the leading academic articles on agency law and partnership law, both classic and contemporary.
A favorite among successful students, and often recommended by professors, the unique Examples & Explanations series gives you extremely clear introductions to concepts followed by realistic examples that mirror those presented in the ...
Explains basics essential of agency and partnership law, including recent developments. The Revised Uniform Partnership Act (RUPA) has been adopted by about half of the states, and other developments, such...
Rights and Duties Between Principal and Agent, Partners, and Members of an LLC; Vicarious Tort Liability; Express, Implied and Apparent Authority; Inherent Agency Power; Undisclosed Principal; Ratification; Notice, Notification, Imputed...
Example: Samantha and Todd are partners in a real estate investment ... The process aspect concerns the manner in which partners deal with each other.
Coverage is generally organized in the traditional sequence. Agency, partnerships (including limited liability partnerships), limited partnerships, and limited liability companies are covered sequentially, followed by ownership interests and fiduciary duties...
Agency Relation; Authority and Power of Agents; Ratification; Termination of Agent's Powers, Master and Servant, Notice and Knowledge; Duties of Agent to Principal; Duties of Principal to Agent; Duties of...
71 Baxter Int'l, In re ...................... .. 582, 583 Baybank v. Catamount Constr ...................... .. 491 Bayless v. Christie, Manson 81 Woods Int'l, Inc. ...................... .. 160 Beatty v. H.B. Owsley 81 Sons .
A key feature of Agency, Partnerships, and Limited Liability Entities: Unincorporated Business Associations is the extensive coverage of limited liability entities, especially unincorporated limited liability companies. The authors include cases...
Essential Principles of Agency and Partnership