Once again, expert authors Mikva and Lane draw on their considerable experience to explore and explain the legislative institutions and processes of the United States. Legislative Process, Second Edition, offers a current and comprehensive examination about the realities of how law is made. Here are just a few reasons why so many of your colleagues choose this distinctive casebook: extraordinary authorship, Abner J. Mikva is a former Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals, a five-term Congressman, and Counsel To The President during the Clinton Administration. Eric Lane has extensive experience with both state and local legislatures effective use of primary materials, including bills and statutes, committee reports and debates, legislative rules, Constitutional provisions and legislative authorities, and cases practical and process-oriented approach shows students what happens, plus how it happens, step-by-step historical focus gives context To The topics and perspective to current legislative enactments a statutory paperback from the same authors is also available Completely revised for its Second Edition, The casebook now covers: new limits to Congress' commerce clause power an enhanced discussion of what documents evidence the enactment of statutory law the continuing debate over statutory construction the end of the term limit movement the New Lobbying Disclosure Act and campaign finance proposals equal protection jurisprudence to limit the reach of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 major new cases US v. Morrison (Violence Against Women Act), Hunt v. Cromartie (voting rights), US Term Limits v. Thornton and Cook v. Gralike (congressional term limits), Colorado Federal Campaign Committee cases (limits on First Amendment), and Clinton v. New York (balanced budget bill)
director to Senator Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and senior counsel to Senator Carl Levin (D-MI). Alex Harman served as the Obama Administration White House Liaison of the Department of Homeland Security, chief counsel to Senator Mazie Hirono ...
The Legislative Process in the United States
Other Resources from TheCapitol.Net Capitol Learning Audio Courses TM Understanding the Path of Legislation, ISBN 158733030X Congress, the Legislative Process, and the Fundamentals of Lawmaking, A Nine Course Series, ISBN 1587331241 ...
Addresses virtually every aspect of legislative tracing and research. Examples of the type of specific data provided include how to trace a bill's passage through Congress, the location of depository...
This book, written by a lawyer who has long experience participating in these processes, gives rare insight into how legislative proposals are conceived, developed and finally written into the law.
Two entirely new case study chapters—on the 2013 government shutdown and the 2015 reauthorization of the Patriot Act—highlight Sinclair’s fresh analysis and the book is now introduced by a new foreword from noted scholar and teacher, ...
The American Legislative Process: Congress and the States
This book, when it was first published 20 years ago, was received with some reservations since it made a comparative study of legislative processes in the United States at the...
See also Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson, The Spirit of Compromise (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2012). Bill Swindell and Dan Friedman, “Dodd: No Obstacles With Shelby on Overhaul,” CongressDailyPM, October 8, 2009, ...
Anderson, William D., Janet Box-Steffensmeier, and Valeria Sinclair-Chapman. 2003. “The Keys to Legislative Success in the ... Overby, L. Marvin, Thomas A. Kazee, and David W. Prince. 2004. “Committee Outliers in State Legislatures.