For over two decades, Casenote Legal Briefs have helped hundreds of thousands of students prepare for classes and exams year after year with unparalleled results. Known throughout the law school community as high-quality legal study aids, Casenotes popular series of legal briefs are the most comprehensive legal briefs available today. With over 100 Casenotes published today in all key areas, ranging from Administrative Law to Wills, Trusts, and Estates each and every Casenote offers: professionally written briefs of the cases in your casebook coverage that is accurate and up-to-date editor's analysis explaining the relevance of each case to the course coverage built on decades of experience the highest commitment to quality And don't forget Aspen's other popular study aids:Click here to buy all your study aids
With over 100 Casenotes published today in all key areas, ranging from Administrative Law to Wills, Trusts, and Estates each and every Casenote offers: professionally written briefs of the cases in your casebook coverage that is accurate ...
Family law is an interdisciplinary area, and the materials in this newest edition of Family Law: Cases, Text, Problems reflect the numerous components, influences and issues under the family law umbrella.
Family Law is an interdisciplinary area, & the materials in this work reflect the numerous disciplines which influence this field of law.
The purchase of this Kindle edition does not entitle you to receive 1-year FREE digital access to the corresponding Examples & Explanations in your course area.
Family Law: Cases, Text, Problems
Family Law: Cases, Text, Problems
The book covers three important themes: the tension between private ordering and state supervision in family law; constitutional doctrines invoked to limit state regulation of family law; and ethical questions unique to the field of family ...
Family Law (Casebook)
Up-to-date coverage of all the key topics in family law, with a consistent focus on the work of the paralegal
CasebookPlus Hardbound - New, hardbound print book includes lifetime digital access to an eBook, with the ability to highlight and take notes, and 12-month access to a digital Learning Library that includes self-assessment quizzes tied to ...