Unrivaled in authorship, MATERIALS IN TRIAL ADVOCACY, now in its Sixth Edition, continues to be a solid choice for your students. Help them make a smooth transition from the classroom To The courtroom with a text that has successfully prepared thousands of lawyers for court. Backed by 30 years of professional practice as lawyers and judges, The authors present thoughtfully crafted problems and cases, organized to parallel the stages of a real-life trial. Many great features allow this text to remain the best in the field: Authors Thomas A. Mauet and Warren D. Wolfson bring unparalleled trial experience To The text, having practiced law as both lawyers and judges for 30 years. Trial techniques are divided into three levels: The essentials, The process of developing trial strategy, and complete trials Materials are based on actual cases from the authorsiquest; own professional experiences Each chapter contains both civil and criminal problems of increasing complexity Contains two-witness trial problems not found in any other materials book More complete coverage, more cases, and more problems than competing titles Important new material in the Sixth Edition makes this great text even better: A new full trial case involving medical malpractice Two new problems involving insider trading and expert scientific testimony A thorough revision of the entire text offers additional thought and clarity to existing problems
Eyewitness Testimony: Challenging Your Opponent's Witness
Jury Trial Innovations
Bennett's Guide to Jury Selection and Trial Dynamics: California Civil Litigation
The Juror Factor examines how jurors reach their verdicts in complex civil trials. In particular, the book explores the relationship between "juror factors" - that is, jurors' race, gender, income,...
Jury Selection: An Attorney's Guide to Jury Law and Methods
In this new, third edition of Theater Tips and Strategies for Jury Trials, David Ball updates his methods and approaches to jury persuasion. This practical step-by-step guide helps you navigate...
Fixing a Broken System: Preventing Crime Through Intervention : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Youth Violence of the Committee on...
A revision of Neumann's very successful basic legal writing text, this edition continues to give a strong foundation in legal analysis and to writing while refining and further improving the...
This book is for law students and practitioners who want to learn, or be reminded of, the fundamentals of legal writing and oral advocacy. Effective Lawyering concisely describes useful, yet...
"This book will become a standard in the field of trial advocacy. It's the most thoughtful, concise, & theoretically correct book to be published."--Morgan Cloud, Professor, Emory University School of...