This statutory supplement, designed to accompany the best-selling casebook by Cox, Hillman, and Langevoort, will bring your teaching materials up to date. This highly effective teaching tool contains judicious coverage of only the statutes, rules, and forms that are the subject of the typical course. The elimination of superfluous material keeps the text to a manageable length.
Fundamentals of Securities Regulation. 2006 Supplement
This book is especially compiled for students.
This book is the first of its kind in focusing on the enforcement of corporate and securities laws, both public and private, which is a relatively understudied but critically important issue for the development and health of global capital ...
Securities Regulation: Updated to 21 November 2006
This book alerts board members and management to their personal duties and liabilities under the federal securities laws.
Explanation of federal securities law and underlying regulations of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
Foreign Issuers & the U.S. Securities Laws, 2006: Strategies for the Changing Regulatory Environment
This book covers all of the key topics that a student reader will encounter in any company law course.
Enabling power: Companies Act 1989, s. 207.
Understanding the Securities Laws, 2006