Children, Parents, and the Law: Public and Private Authority in the Home, Schools, and Juvenile Courts

Children, Parents, and the Law: Public and Private Authority in the Home, Schools, and Juvenile Courts
Law / General
Aspen Law & Business
Lee E. Teitelbaum, Leslie J. Harris


This text retains the features that earned it success in its First Edition. It offers: - problem exercises throughout, varying in complexity from short and simple to longer and more involved - an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates information from related social sciences, such as psychology and sociology - a balanced perspective and coverage of issues, with no perceptible bias (liberal or conservative) in tone or selection of topics - ample coverage of juvenile courts, making it an ideal choice for Juvenile Justice and Juvenile Court courses as well as courses that center on parents' and children's rights and obligations - a concise, manageable length at fewer than 900 pages - logical organization and clear structure, catering to a wide variety of teaching styles - a comprehensive Teacher's Manual, available in print and online The Second Edition has been carefully updated with great new material on: - control over and funding of education, including school vouchers and Zelman v. Simmons-Harris - minors' First Amendment rights and reproductive decision making - juvenile delinquency, including Roper v. Simmons on the death penalty, the MacArthur Juvenile Adjudicative Competence Study, and their implications for juvenile delinquency law and practice - additional Supreme Court cases focusing on school searches (Board of Education v. Earls) and the new cases on the interrogation of minors (Yarborough v. Alvarado) - child welfare, including: i. additional coverage of domestic violence, including Nicholson v. Williams and its aftermath ii. new cases on emergency removals iii. cases considering the constitutionality of the AFSAtermination of parental rights grounds; and commentary and materials on the impact of the AFSA changes iv. greater focus on teens aging out of foster care - heresay and cases applying it to child abuse investigations, including the Supreme Court's opinion in Crawford v. Washington

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