Corporation Statutes: Model Business Corporation Act Delaware General Corporation Law ALI, Principles of Corporate Governance California Corporations Code (Selected Sections) New York Business Corporation Law (Selected Sections) Pennsylvania Business Corporations Code (Selected Provisions) Selected Other Constituencies Statutes Connecticut Stock Corporation Act Georgia Business Corporation Code Maine Business Corporation Act Wyoming Business Corporation Act New York Stock Exchange Listed Company Manual Derivative Complaint: The Walt Disney Company Litigation Corporation Forms Articles of Incorporation Bylaws Agency Law Restatement (Second) of Agency (Selected Sections) Unincorporated Business Association Statutes Uniform Partnership Act (1914) Uniform Partnership Act (1997) Uniform Limited Liability Company Act (1996) Uniform Limited Partnership Act (2001) Federal Securities Laws, Regulations, and Forms Securities Act of 1933 Selected Rules and Regulations Under the Securities Act of 1933 Forms Under the Securities Act of 1933 Securities Exchange Act of 1934 The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 Rules, Regulations, and Forms Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Regulation S-K—Standard Instructions for Filing Forms Under Securities Act of 1933, Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 Other Federal Regulations Standards of Professional Conduct for Attorneys Appearing and Practicing Before the Commission in the Representation of an Issuer Regulation AC—Analyst Certification Regulation FD Regulation G Regulation BTR—Blackout Trading Restriction
Materials are current through May, 2020 New to the 2020 Edition: New provisions to the MBCA authorizing virtual meetings for shareholders Stock exchange regulations adjusting when shareholder votes are required for listing beyond what state ...
Donahue v. Rodd Electrotype Co. Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, 1975 367 Mass. 578, 328 N.E.2d 505 TAURO, CHIEF JUSTICE. The plaintiff, Euphemia Donahue, a minority stockholder in the Rodd Electrotype Company of New England, ...
Whether or not you use the authors' widely adopted casebook, your class will benefit from this skillfully organized collection of essential materials. the 2006 Edition covers all the latest developments in updating: federal and state ...
Corporations and Other Business Associations: Selected Statutes, Rules, and Forms, 2015
The new edition focuses heavily on corporation law, with an introductory treatment of agency and partnership at the outset and securities regulation toward the end. This book is perfect for a three-credit corporations class.
The authors retain the features that earned the book widespread adoption: a careful balance of theory, cases, and problems allows law and economic theory to enrich -- but not dominate -- the casebook; outstanding case selection and editing ...
Created by Steven Emanuel, these course outlines have been relied on by generations of law students. Each title includes both capsule and detailed versions of the critical issues and key topics you must know to master the course.
Important features of Business Associations, Fourth Edition, include: * Complete & developed materials on agency & partnership reflecting the authors' view that a good background in agency & partnership principles...
An edited compilation of statutes, rules, and forms for use in the typical Corporations or Business Associations class, including appropriate selections from: Model Business Corporation Act (with Comments) Delaware General Corporation Law ...
Rev. ed. of: Corporations and other business organizations / Larry D. Soderquist, Linda O. Smiddy, Lawrence A. Cunningham.