Executive Compensation Answer Book

Executive Compensation Answer Book
Executive Compensation Answer Book
Electronic books
Aspen Publishers
Bruce B. Overton, Susan E. Stoffer


This complete source for proven, practical, executive compensation solutions draws on the authority of the best in the business - Bruce Overton and Susan E. Stoffer. In a straightforward question-and-answer format, this dependable source of guidance shows you how to: Attract and retain top executive talent Create compensation plans that boost profitability, structure incentives for peak performance and strict compliance with regulations Keep up with regulatory, legal, and tax trends Design competitive executive compensation plans Monitor programs to boost the bottom line You get quick, authoritative answers to more than 800 questions on the full range of compensation issues. The Seventh Edition of the Executive Compensation Answer Book provides: Practical guidance on plan selection, development, documentation, and administration in various business environments including not-for-profits the public sector, technology and divisions of large companies Practical ideas on the design of executive incentive plans within various industries Guidance on determining stock awards in today's new regulatory environment Defining and hiring executives and establishing appropriate executive employment agreements Executive Compensation Answer Book has been updated to include: Helpful practice tips for dealing with Code Section 409A deferred compensation plans and updated guidance on reporting and withholding rules IRS rules for correcting certain administrative and operational errors with respect to Code Section 409A plans Updated information on new SEC proxy disclosure guidance Guidance on proxy voting Guidance on the restrictions on executive compensation for companies receiving TARP funds Discussion of new Code Section 457A impacting deferred compensation for certain "nonqualified entities" Information on the state of the "say on pay" movement, including recently introduced legislation New sample plans and model language to simplify document preparation Recent trends in executive compensation

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