Estate Planning: Principles and Problems

Estate Planning: Principles and Problems
Estate Planning
Business & Economics / Personal Finance / General
Aspen Publishers/Wolters Kluwer Law & Business
Wayne M. Gazur, Robert M. Phillips


Using a case-study and problems approach, Estate Planning: Principles and Problems, Second Edition, introduces students To The principles of estate planning - progressing from fundamental to complex issues - and then encourages application of those principles by asking students to analyze short problems and exercises using real life client situations. This comprehensive and straightforward Coursebook Series paperback includes a CD containing a broad assortment of common and necessary forms employed in an estate planning practice that can be used to provide students with the drafting experience they will need as practicing attorneys. This hands-on coursebook is organized for maximum effect: fundamental issues are discussed first, then the authors move on to more complex issues, providing the student with the building blocks necessary to master the topics each chapter begins with an overview of topics covered, followed by a more detailed discussion of legal doctrines and principles case studies and exercises emphasize problems and solutions that arise in the actual estate planning process exercises and case studies explore a broad variety of issues and allow flexibility in teaching adaptable organization presents a life-cycle progression reflecting the changing needs of clients from youth through old age, and modest wealth to significant wealth an electronic forms supplement in CD effectively supports a drafting component To The course, essential to master the techniques coverage of federal tax issues is provided for those who wish to teach it, but the topic can be taught or omitted at the instructor's discretion a bibliography at the end of each chapter provides extensive reference sources Completely revamped with a new cover and a new title that better reflects its scholarly nature and comprehensive scope, The Second Edition offers further refinements: updated text to reflect developments in particular subject matters such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, Circular 230 opinion letters, Rule Against Perpetuities, same-gender relationships, asset protection and Medicaid planning revised forms to reflect changes in the law since the First Edition Chapter 16 has been expanded into two chapters: one providing a comprehensive overview of the wealth transfer tax and planning techniques, and the other dealing with probate administration and preparation of the federal estate tax return now includes full texts of crucial cases and rulings, As well as teachable cases, such as: People v. Berge (attorney conflict of interest ethical discipline case) in Re Marriage of Guinn (marital property division case) Estate of Maria Cristofani (Crummey trusts) Revenue Ruling 2004-64 (defective grantor trusts) Revenue Ruling 95-58 (settlor's power to choose trustees) Audrey J. Walton (zeroed-out GRATs) Revenue Ruling 93-12 and Technical Advice Memorandum 9436005 (minority interest discounts) Revenue Ruling 66-167 (waiver of personal representative fees) Revenue Ruling 2006-26 (QTIP IRA trusts) Give your students the best preparation possible For The issues they will face in estate planning. Estate Planning: Principles and Problems, Second Edition , provides the opportunity for students not only to analyze realistic case studies but to experience the hands-on preparation of the appropriate forms and documents.

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