Your guide to the most significant changes in SharePoint 2013. Discover what’s new and what’s changed in SharePoint 2013—and get a head start using these cutting-edge capabilities to improve organizational collaboration and effectiveness. Led by a Microsoft MVP for SharePoint, you'll learn how to take advantage of important new features and functionality, including app development, collaborative social enterprise tools, enhanced versioning, themes, improved search, and an extended client object model. Get an early, expert look at how to: Develop SharePoint apps using collaborative social enterprise tools Use the new Minimal Download Strategy (MDS) smart technology to consume less bandwidth Version documents, list items, and entire parts of SharePoint with improved control Use colors and styles to get a themed version of your CSS with a simple line of code Extend the client object model with enhanced search capabilities
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Micro Share 2013 Ins O_p1 Darvish Shadravan, Penelope Coventry, Thomas Resing, Christina Wheeler ... Penny has authored and coauthored more than 10 SharePoint-related books, including Exploring Microsoft SharePoint 2013: New Features ...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. This is learning made easy!
Written by a team of SharePoint experts, this practical guide introduces the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 architecture, and walks you through design considerations for planning and building a custom SharePoint solution.
Micro Share 2013 Step Ste_p1 Olga M. Londer, Penelope Coventry. CLEAN UP Close the browser. Key. points. SharePoint 2013 provides intuitive, powerful, selfservice BI capabilities for exploring and visualizing data to facilitate better ...
Microsoft® SharePoint® 2013 Unleashed Copyright © 2014 by Pearson Education All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, ...
MORE INFO For further details about WIF, IP/STS, and the Identity and Access Tool, read Programming Windows Identity Foundation, by Vittorio Bertocci (Microsoft Press, 2010) or A Guide to ClaimsBased Identity and Access Control: ...
In SharePoint 2013, Microsoft also invested in bolstering the clientside object model (CSOM), both the managed implementations and ... This service provides a vehicle for interrogating and exploring all deployed workflow definitions.
Dive into the business intelligence features in SharePoint 2013—and use the right combination of tools to deliver compelling solutions.
Microsoft's SharePoint technology was first introduced in 2001, with the release of SharePoint Portal Server 2001. ... Exploring. What's. New. in. SharePoint. 2013. SharePoint 2013 has several new capabilities and updates previously ...