Motor Learning and Performance: helps undergraduate students apply concepts for improving athletic performance and echancing motor skill acquisition.
Tiffin, J., & Rogers, H.B. (1943). The selection and training of inspectors. ... In R. Shaw & J. Bransford (Eds.), Perceiving, acting, and knowing (pp. 211–265). ... Urbin, M.A., Stodden, D., Boros, R., & Shannon, D. (2012).
Please note: This text was replaced with a sixth edition. This version is available only for courses using the fifth edition and will be discontinued at the end of the semester.
... Griffin, Lombardo, & Nastasi, 2003; Griffin, Brooker, & Patton, 2005; Werner et al., 1996). Advocates of TGfU argue that game tactics and decisions are best taught in modified games prior to teaching movement techniques, ...
Dublin-born Thomas Southerne has long been admired by scholars as one of the most important dramatists of the Restoration, but the lack of a modern edition has prevented his plays...
This text is designed to help undergraduate students apply concepts for improving athletic performance and echancing motor skill acquisition. Students learn the processes underlying skilled performance; how skilled performances are...
Lavery's Experiment on Summary Feedback o Summary Immediate Both 5 6 7 Days ( 20 trials / day ) Figure 10.10 Percentage correct trials for various conditions of feedback during practice and for no - feedback retention tests .
Motor Learning and Performance, Sixth Edition, constructs a conceptual model of factors that influence motor performance, outlines how motor skills are acquired and retained with practice, and shows how to apply those concepts to a variety ...
Motor Learning and Performance
Hashizume, K., Suzuki, S., Takeda, T., Shigematsu, S., Ichikawa, K., & Koizumi, Y. (2006). Endocrinological aspects of aging: Adaptation to and acceleration of aging ... Kasch, F.W., Wallace, J.P., Van Camp, S.P., & Verity, L. (1988).