Grade level: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, 10, 11, 12, k, p, e, i, s, t.
"The purpose of this book is to prepare students for teaching dance education.
I am also grateful to colleagues who contributed to this book , among them Ellen Harrison , Wrenn Cook , Jan Scott , Karen Buchheim , Pat Cohen , Karen Hubbard , Anuradha Murali , April Barber , Kesha Nichols , Nicole Almeida , Kellie ...
The first of its kind, this book provides dance educators with tools to refocus teaching methods to celebrate the pluralism of the United States.
Dance Anatomy is a visually stunning presentation of more than 100 of the most effective dance, movement, and performance exercises, each designed to promote correct alignment, improved placement, proper breathing, and prevention of common ...
Careers in Dance offers two recurring elements throughout the book: Profiles of, and interviews with, esteemed professional dancers, revealing their real-world experiences and affording insights into different dance careers Reflection ...
Discovering Dance is the ideal introductory text for students with little to no dance experience.
This classic "must have" is NDA's most popular publication. Includes locomotor/nonlocomotor movement, assessment, and interdisciplinary topics.
Grade level: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, e, i, s, t.
The second edition of Creative Dance for All Ages includes these new features: • An easy-to-navigate format helps you quickly access the material and find lesson planning and assessment tools. • Content reflects changes in the field of ...
Newman (1980) found further congruence between the aesthetic and the moral attitude. He noted that aesthetic sensitizing involves five aspects which are relevant to Kohlberg's sixth (ultimate) stage of moral development: nonstereotyping ...