Never before has one book taken such a comprehensive look at the evolution, science, and coaching application of competitive swimming. In Breakthrough Swimming, legendary swimming coach and researcher Cecil Colwin provides a rich perspective on the development of the sport and explains major advances in stroke mechanics, training methods, and racing techniques. Accompanied by richly detailed illustrations, this engaging text is one of the most insightful written works on the sport. It makes clear sense out of the scientific principles and puts into context the historical changes in the sport. Not only will you gain a greater understanding of competitive swimming through its origins and evolution, but you'll also gain these valuable skills: - Improve your stroke technique, starts, and turns. - Improve your feel of the water by learning to anticipate and effectively manipulate the reacting flow of the water. - Understand the hydrodynamics of swimming and learn how water reacts to the forces you apply with each swimming stroke. - Improve your conditioning and develop a better training program by understanding the principles of training. - Learn how to design different types of workouts to produce specific physiological effects. - Learn how to plan a seasonal program and how to relate your training to the pace of the race you intend to swim. The book includes a chapter contributed by Dr. David Pyne, sport physiologist to the 2000 Australian Olympic swimming team. Pyne covers the physiology of modern swimming training and the preparation of swimming teams for top-flight international competition. Breakthrough Swimming covers every aspect of competitive swimming from its spawning ground in early 19th-century England to the present day, including the profound changes that occurred in the last decade of the 20th century. The book also explains the societal changes of recent years, such as the advent of professional swimming and the specter of performance-enhancing drugs. Combining history with the latest innovations, Breakthrough Swimming is the definitive work on the past, present, and future of competitive swimming.
This volume presents the method they have developed and is designed for all swimmers who are looking for new ways in swimming training.
Beginning Swimming
Whether you are taking part of just watching, swimming is an exciting and dramatic sport. Discover everything you need to know about it from training to competition.
It's a big day for Darren. He will try to swim a length for the first time. Mr Woods thinks he can do it, but Darren isn't so sure.
... you can become a member and partake of the organization's publications , clinics , and other resources . Write to 2 Peter Ave. , Rutland , MA 01543 , or call Dorothy Donnelly at ( 508 ) 886-6631 . United States Swimming .
Coaching foundation - Stroke technique - Coaching plans - Meets - Evaluation.
介紹"完全沉浸"(Total Immersion, TI)游泳訓練法, 打破一般人對傳統游泳訓練的既有印象, 重拾學習游泳的樂趣.想學習蛙式, 自由式卻不知該從何下手;已經到泳訓班受過訓練, ...
The Final Lap
Explores the metaphor of swimming lessons as instructions for life, from how to enter the water to swimming in the ocean. This is not just a book about learning to swim. It is a book about learning to live.