This book: -Presents activities that allow all students to succeed -Lets you mix and match activities to create varied daily lesson plans -Ensures that your students are meeting the NASPE standards for skill and fitness development -Includes an activity finder to make it easy to select activities that meet your students' needs Mix, Match, and Motivatehelps you show elementary students that physical activity can be fun and meaningful. It shifts the emphasis away from competitive games in favor of activities that allow all students to succeed, ensuring maximum student involvement and a positive experience for all. These 107 activities take a developmentally appropriate approach to skill development and fitness. You'll be able to meet a range of individual needs while motivating kids to participate in lifelong physical activity and meeting the NASPE standards for skill and fitness development. The book has an easy-to-follow format that allows you to mix and match activities to create a multitude of fresh, new lessons to keep your students moving and learning. Chapter 1 provides straightforward, practical information on developing and implementing a program for maximum student success. Chapters 2 through 5 are organized along the lines of a complete lesson: instant activity and warming up (chapter 2), developing fitness (chapter 3), developing core skills and enhancing motivation (chapter 4), and concluding the lesson and cooling down (chapter 5). Finally, chapter 6 provides ideas for activities that celebrate individual and program success, which involve parents and community members. Several features make this book particularly teacher-friendly. In the opening pages you'll find an activity finder--an easy-to-read chart that summarizes key information about each activity, including the age for which it is intended, the lesson component it covers, and the health-related fitness component it fulfills. You can use the chart to pinpoint the activities that best meet your students' needs. For those activities listed as core activities, you'll also find a list of the skills each activity develops: throwing and catching, striking and kicking, volleying and dribbling, movement and balance, skill combinations and techniques, or strategies and communication. The activities themselves are presented in a clear, easy-to-digest format that provides everything you need to introduce the activity successfully: -Age-level icons indicate at which age group--primary or intermediate--to use the activity. -An overview summarizes the activity and explains how it fits into a lesson plan. -An equipment list shows you at a glance what you'll need. -A preparation section helps you get ready. -Step-by-step instructions show you how to present the activity to your students. -Hints and modifications make your teaching more effective, create individual variations for students, or increase the challenge for students. Every activity in this book has been field-tested and proven successful. If you want to create successful experiences that will not only help students develop basic skills and fitness but also leave them with a desire to return for more, then Mix, Match, and Motivateyour way to success.
为了保障“纷享语文”探究课程的顺利实施,加强课程管理,完善课程评价;特设立“纷享语文”探究课程实施工作小组,成员为杨竞、杨静、陈斌、罗燕。 2.课程实施工作小组主要职责: 1构思并制定“纷享语文”探究课程组织实施的总体规划,做好研究、实施、评估等工作; ...
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The "Heinemann Mathematics" scheme has been developed by the authors of the primary course "SPMG", with the aim of building on established strengths to provide a structured development of children's mathematical knowledge and skills within ...
This study guide covers the Praxis Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (0011) and Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment K–5 (0016) tests. These tests are designed for prospective ...
Modeling Clay : Add food coloring ( to make a light yellow - brown ) to 1 ' / 4 cups ( 300 ml ) cold water . Mix well with 1 cup ( 240 ml ) cornstarch and 2 cups ( 480 ml ) baking soda in a saucepan . Cook over medium heat about 3 to 4 ...
... 179,219 Egan , K. 118 , 119 , 128 , 170,217 Eisner , E. W. 3,29–31 , 37,88,89 , Jackson , A. 219 90 , 118 , 148 , 184 , 192 , 200–1,217 , James , C. M. 83,219 221 Johnson , S. 222 Elliott , J. 137 , 138 , 141 , 193 , 194 , 217 Katz ...
An essential guide on how to encourage children's learning and support their development through year-round outdoor exploration.