Physical Best Activity Guide: Middle and High School Levels

Physical Best Activity Guide: Middle and High School Levels
Education / Schools / Levels / Secondary
Human Kinetics
Physical Best


Includes CD-ROM!

Through the new Physical Best Activity Guide: Middle and High School Level, Second Edition, teachers can do the following:
- Implement ready-to-use activities based on the latest national guidelines from NASPE
- Provide appropriate activities for students of all abilities
- Save time and program funds by using reproducibles from the CD-ROM

This revised activity guide provides a comprehensive collection of health-related physical fitness activities--more than 50--that cover aerobic fitness, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and body composition. The new edition offers exciting, teacher-tested activities to help rejuvenate existing programs or develop new programs that encourage lifelong participation in health-related physical activity.

The Middle and High School Level Activity Guideincludes four new chapters on activities that incorporate components of health-related fitness and emphasize lifetime physical activities such as climbing stairs, gardening, dancing, housework, and adventure pursuits. This material also is fully compatible with the award-winning Fitness for Lifestudent text by Charles B. Corbin and Ruth Lindsey (now in its fifth edition and available from Human Kinetics).

In addition, the Middle and High School Level Activity Guidecomes with a CD-ROM containing PDF versions of numerous reproducibles, including posters, worksheets, station signs, flash cards, and other things to make the teacher's job easier and the activities more fun.

The activity guide helps teachers do the following:
- Meet the specific needs of the age groups they are teaching
- Benefit from the real-world experience and fresh ideas of seasoned physical educators
- Assist students in making informed health-related physical fitness choices beyond the classroom setting

Designed to stand alone or be used in conjunction with Physical Education for Lifelong Fitness: The Physical Best Teacher's Guide, Second Edition, this cutting-edge resources will enliven programs, save time, and help teachers motivate students to become fit for life.

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