Brenda McCutchen provides an integrated approach to dance education, using four cornerstones: dancing and performing, creating and composing, historical and cultural inquiry and analysing and critiquing. She also illustrates the main developmental aspects of dance.
One of the most striking aspects of the cultural scene in the United States today has been the rapid growth of dance, both as a performing art and...
Dance Teaching Methods and Curriculum Design, Second Edition, presents a comprehensive model that prepares students to teach dance in school and community settings.
Newman (1980) found further congruence between the aesthetic and the moral attitude. He noted that aesthetic sensitizing involves five aspects which are relevant to Kohlberg's sixth (ultimate) stage of moral development: nonstereotyping ...
Boston: Pearson. Rea, J. B. (2019). You Say Ee-ther and I Say Eyether: Clarifying Assessment and Evaluation. University of NebraskaLincoln. Retrieved from
Assessing reading 1 , theory and practice : International perspectives on reading assessment . London : Routledge . Hoffman , J. V. , Paris , S. G. , Salas , R. , Patterson , E. , & Assaf , L. ( 2003 ) . High - stakes assessment in the ...
The Art of Teaching Dance Technique
This groundbreaking work brings the Spectrum of Teaching Styles originally developed by Muska Mosston and Sara Ashworth to the art and science of dance.
Series, J. Parker, Kingfisher The Usborne Story of Music, Usborne First Music – Recorder; Keyboard, Piano, Usborne Cultural A Multicultural Guide to Children's Books 0–16+ edited by Rosemary Stones, co- published by BfK and the Reading ...
Making Kinesthetic Sense provides theoretical and practical guidance on teaching creative dance, particularly in educational settings. It is both a textbook for education courses and a resource for current teachers...
Dancing the Data and its interrelated CD-ROM, Dancing the Data Too, show the ways in which educational research and the visual and performing arts can embrace each other to engender...