It's widely accepted that the increasing use of technology, such as TV and computers, has led to a reduction in physical activity. But in Physical Education Technology Playbook, authors Darla Castelli and Leah Holland Fiorentino show you how to use technology to increase physical activity. This book and free companion Web site come with detailed instructions and examples so you can easily incorporate the described technologies into your teaching. Physical Education Technology Playbook will help you learn to use technology to better understand and promote key concepts related to physical activity. The book will also help you meet the technology standards established by the International Society for Technology in Education, ensuring that you are prepared to use various technologies in your job.
Delphine Hanna One final notable early leader in physical education was Delphine Hanna, MD. She also used her medical background to enhance physical education, both as a teacher in the public schools and at the university level.
Readers of this book will also learn how to support teachers as the technology continues to change in this dynamic educational landscape.
... playbook. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Darling-Hammond, L., Zielezinski, M.B., & Goldman, S. (2014). Using ... technology leads to improved student achievement. Washington, DC: National Conference of State Legislators. Koehler ...
This book makes a novel contribution by focusing on the ways in which teachers and teacher educators are attempting to use digital technologies in PE. The book has been created using the innovative ‘pedagogical cases’ framework.
Through this text, you can develop and implement lesson plans that will help your students attain the outcomes detailed in SHAPE America’s National Standards & Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education.
Each teacher was provided the textbook specific to the grade level taught (e.g., Fitness for Life Elementary School Classroom Guide—Kindergarten). In addition, the physical education teacher received a classroom set of the Fitness for ...
With the right plan, video observation and video coaching can be a high-impact lever for accelerating teacher growth.
The delivery of quality education to students relies heavily on the actions of an institution’s administrative staff. Effective leadership strategies allow for the continued progress of modern educational initiatives.
21st century educational technology course design: A five-year research project. In D. Gibson & B. Dodge (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2010 (pp. 3279-3286).
DOI 10.1016/j.ypmed.2011.01.026 Mahar, M. T., Kenny, R. K., Scales, D. P., Shields, A. T., & Miller, T. Y. (2006). Middle-school energizers: Classroom-based physical activities. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Public ...