This is an introduction to the wide-ranging world of sport communication, integral to the successful management, marketing, and operation of sport organisations at all levels. The text outlines the full breadth of the communication industry, including the many professional careers available to students and practitioners.
"This text engages students in the social media phenomenon, exploring how fundamental changes in mass media influence every level of societal communication.
This is the first textbook to introduce the fundamental principles and practice of sport communication from an international perspective.
The fifth edition of Strategic Sport Marketing integrates sport marketing frameworks, theory and practical cases to show students and practitioners how to develop and execute successful sport marketing strategies.
"Recognizing and emphasizing business and sociocultural influences, this is a timely and unique examination of public relations in the sport industry.
The final chapters of the text assemble the building blocks from previous chapters into practical application, covering brand management strategies and overall social media presence from the perspective of a member of the sports media, a ...
The text also demonstrates how sports media representation can influence both American culture and the individuals who consume said media.
Sport Marketing Across the Spectrum: Research from Emerging, Developing, and Established Scholars : Selected Papers of the Fourth Annual Conference...
This book is an essential instrument for all those who are involved in communication of and by means of sports.'Professor Dr Patrick De Pelsmacker, University of Antwerp Key features include:...
"بعد أن قلب هاري الظرف، ويداه ترتعدان، رأى هاري ختمًا شمعيًا أرجوانيًا يحمل شعار النبالة؛ أسدًا، ونسرًا، وفرو الغرير وثعبانًا يُحيط بالحرف "H"."لم يسمع هاري بهوجورتس من قبل على الإطلاق...
This new edition goes beyond the introductory marketing course by exploring advanced marketing theories related to social responsibility, global issues, information systems, consumer behavior, product management, logistics, sales, ...