Recreation Facility Management: Design, Development, Operations, and Utilization presents a comprehensive introduction to the field of facility design, management, and maintenance for practicing or future recreation professionals.
Sport Facility Operations Management is a comprehensive and engaging textbook which introduces cutting-edge concepts in facilities and operations management, including practical guidance from professional facility managers.
When the market leader , McDonald's , opened its restaurants in the 1970s , people drove some McDonald's has about distance to the restaurants , but people wanted to eat at places convenient to 29,000 franchisees them .
The texts robust pedagogy includes chapter learning objectives, industry expert spotlights, vignettes, case studies, discussion questions, and tip points, as well as actual examples from the industries covered throughout the book.
Managing Sport Facilities, Third Edition, provides students with the vital information and vocabulary to make smart decisions in all areas of facility management. This edition includes a new chapter on green facility management.
Facility Management for Physical Activity and Sport is a comprehensive compilation of concepts and practical subject matter published for sport management students and future facility managers as well as practitioners.
These standards are used as the guideline for whatshould be included in the book.
Chapter 11 THE PROBLEM OF AMOEBIC MENINGOENCEPHALITIS IN WATER RESOURCE PLANNING * INTRODUCTION Any body of water used for recreational purposes , be it a swimming pool , pond , or lake , has the potential for being a source of ...
Strategic Recreation Management is a comprehensive and up-to-date introduction to the fundamental principles, managerial techniques and practices in the public administration of recreational services.
This series contains practical wisdom for leaders inside the Recreation Industry and beyond. In this first book, Lead with your Heart, she will show you how to lead with the HEART in 5 simple leadership principles:1. Help2. Encourage3.
This books rises to fill that need by providing a compendium of example studies that reflect the range of work currently being conducted.