Set in London during World War II, this latest installment of the Peter Pan saga tells the story of how Wendy's niece Jane is kidnapped by Captain Hook, and bravely rescued by Peter. Our P/V/G matching folio to this recent theatrical release features a fantastic 8-page section of full-color artwork, and these great songs: Do You Believe in Magic * Here We Go Another Plan * I'll Try (and Reprise) * Now That You're One of Us * The Second Star to the Right * So to Be One of Us.
Featuring gorgeous illustrations from 1952, this children's classic is being reissued just in time for the release of Walt Disney's Peter Pan Platinum Edition DVD.
The adventures of the three Darling children in Never-Never Land with Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up.
The adventures of the three Darling children in Never-Never Land with Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up.
The familiar story of three children who travel to Never Land with Peter Pan and have several adventures.
Walt Disney's Peter Pan: Based on Walt Disney Productions' Full-length Cartoon Feature Film
Soar off to Neverland with the Darling children in this Disney classic! From the crooked Captain Hook to the mermaids swimming in the lagoon, this tale shows just how special Neverland can be.
An adaptation of the classic story of the Darling children, who fly off on an adventure to Never Never Land with Peter Pan, the boy who would never grow up.
The adventures of the three Darling children in Never Land with Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up.
Leap into high-flying battles with swashbuckling pirates and the infamous Captain Hook in this cinestory comic celebrating the 65th anniversary of the tale that will never grow old.
Mary Carey, J. M. Barrie. Copyright © 1952 , 1972 by Walt Disney Productions • All rights reserved under International and Pan - American Copyright Conventions . Published in the United States by Random House , Inc. , New York ...