Fifteen internationally known prophecy experts (John Walvoord, David Breese, Jimmy DeYoung, Elwood McQuaid, Dwight Pentecost) share their vision for God's prophetic plan and the vital role Christians will play in it. Each chapter takes an in-depth look at a passage of biblical prophecy and reveals how the countdown to Armageddon has begun. By carefully examining God's Word, they explore the ancient prophecies of the future and how they are moving toward fulfillment today. Readers will discover the significance of current and future events, including the rise of pagan religions, Israel's battles in the Mid-East, and the coming holocaust facing the church. A remarkable book for personal or group study.
Graebner , Theodore . War in the Light of Prophecy . St. Louis , MO : Concordia , 1941 . Gray , James M. Satan and the Saint . New York : Revell , 1909 . Langton , Edward . Essentials of Demonology . London : Epworth , 1949 .
Most people's concept of the 'end of the world' comes from the book of Revelation.
our Dark Lord , he who was cast from the heavens to • make way for the usurper ? " Stone replied in monotone , “ I do believe . ” The Guardian had floated back to the altar , gesturing over the old crucifix . Now , he took the cross and ...
Argues that the Bible predicts that a Middle East crisis will precede the final battle of Armageddon and the second coming of Christ
Verklaring van de oliecrisis en het Midden Oosten-conflict vanuit bijbels perspectief.
Armageddon, Oil and the Middle East Crisis
På väg mot Harmagedon
Austrian Hapsburg dynasty , Napoleon , and Kaiser ( the German equivalent of Caesar ) Wilhelm . Adolf Hitler proclaimed that he would consolidate all of Europe , and that his empire would last for 1,000 years . He too was crushed .
Armageddon and the International Sunday Law
And the King of Salem was the one who received one tenth of everything from Abraham . A prophetic gesture if ever there was one - see [ 43 ] . So the King of Righteousness was Jared , and the King of Peace , well , this must be a ...