The Marriage Code

The Marriage Code
Interpersonal communication
Harvest House Pub
Bill Farrel, Pam Farrel


Why is it so hard for married couples to get in sync with each other? How is it that one's mate can be a source of joy and of frustration all on the same day? Marriages operate by a code--a collection of key words, actions, insights, and attitudes that determine how a couple's relationship works. When that code is uncovered, love grows and flourishes. If that code remains a mystery, love gets buried behind misunderstandings and irritations. Bill and Pam Farrel, authors of the bestselling Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti (more than 180,000 copies sold), offer biblical and practical insight into this code that God has programmed into His unique design for each married couple. Laced with the Farrels' trademark humor, The Marriage Code is packed with ideas for creative code-breaking so couples can connect at a richer, deeper level, enabling them to discover: the real enemy of love the pace that will energize their relationship the plan that will get their lives in sync the keys to creating great interactions the clues for discovering a satisfying sex life The Marriage Code is for every couple who wants to know just how good their relationship can be. As both partners grow in relationship with God and rely on the Spirit for insights into the heart of their mate, they can replace their old, selfish codes with a new one that leads to greater intimacy in every area of life.

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