More than one-fourth of the Bible was prophetic in nature at the time it was written, and Christ's second coming is mentioned more than 300 times in Scripture. Clearly, God wants you to anticipate the last days—but Bible prophecy can seem vague and mysterious. Find the clarity and answers you need in this comprehensive resource filled with thousands of facts about Christ's return and the end times. Prophecy teachers Tim LaHaye and Ed Hindson combine knowledge from an outstanding team of more than 40 experts to bring you... detailed definitions of prophecy-related terms helpful timetables of last-days events, including the rapture and the glorious appearing thorough summaries of all the major prophetic viewpoints vital understanding of the key players, such as the Antichrist and the False Prophet Gain wisdom and insight as you repeatedly reach for this A-to-Z encyclopedia to find biblical answers to your toughest prophecy questions.
No other book has ever examined Biblical prophecy so thoroughly or presented it in such a balanced perspective as the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF BIBLICAL PROPHECY. •1,817 entries covering all the Biblical predictions in both the Old and New ...
Compiled by bestselling prophecy teachers Ed Hindson, Mark Hitchcock, and Tim LaHaye, this volume has 150+ topics on the most important subjects of prophetic study from 40+ of world’s foremost prophecy experts, including Armageddon, the ...
It seems that preacher Miller had read Daniel 8:14 and interpreted the statement regarding 2,300 evenings and mornings to be 2,300 years. He then concluded that Christ would return sometime between March 21, 1843, and March 21, 1844.
The Miracle of Israel is a stunning examination of the millennia-old love that God has for His people that: Clearly conveys the promise God gave to Abraham Examines the ancient prophecies regarding Israel that have happened and are ...
Here is an indispensable, all-in-one resource on the prophecies of the Bible!
The Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy: The Latter Days
In the end, Christians must understand that an unbelieving world will not believe what we say about Christ until they see Christ in us. In short, this is incarnational apologetics at its best. DAVID WHEELER BIBLIOGRAPHY Tucker, Ruth.
Ed Hindson Bibliography Bodensieck, The Encyclopedia of the Lutheran Church. 3 vols. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1965. Danker, FrederickW No Room in the Brotherhood. St. Louis, MO: Clayton, 1977. Myer, Carl. “Lutheranism.
Identifies and explains biblical scriptures that predict the last days, describes the predictions that have come true based on current events, and speculates how yet-to-be fulfilled predictions may occur.
This is a valuable tool you will refer to time and again.