A new term has emerged from the disability movement in the past decade to help change the way we think about neurological disorders: Neurodiversity. ADHD. Dyslexia. Autism. The number of categories of illnesses listed by the American Psychiatric Association has tripled in the past fifty years. With so many people affected by our growing “culture of disabilities,” it no longer makes sense to hold on to the deficit-ridden idea of neuropsychological illness. With the sensibility of Oliver Sacks and Kay Redfield Jamison, psychologist Thomas Armstrong offers a revolutionary perspective that reframes many neuropsychological disorders as part of the natural diversity of the human brain rather than as definitive illnesses. Neurodiversity emphasizes their positive dimensions, showing how people with ADHD, bipolar disorder, and other conditions have inherent evolutionary advantages that, matched with the appropriate environment or ecological niche, can help them achieve dignity and wholeness in their lives.
See Sandra Blakeslee, “Disease That Allowed Torrents of Creativity,” New York Times, April 8, 2008. ... October 12, 2009, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/13/science/13conv.html?_r =1; Buzz Aldrin, Magnificent Desolation: The LongJourney ...
This book by best-selling author Thomas Armstrong offers classroom strategies for ensuring the academic success of students in five special-needs categories: learning disabilities, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism, ...
This open access book marks the first historical overview of the autism rights branch of the neurodiversity movement, describing the activities and rationales of key leaders in their own words since it organized into a unique community in ...
This groundbreaking book will reshape our understanding of the history, meaning, function, and implications of neurodiversity in our world.
"This book itself is one of the gifts of neurodivergence" On the Spectrum debunks myths about autism with a realistic yet hope-filled deep dive into the heart, mind, and life of an autistic Christian.
Achieve the productivity, performance and financial benefits of a neurodiverse workforce by optimizing your HR policies and processes.
"The Neurodiversity Reader collection brings together work from pioneering figures within and beyond the neurodiversity movement to critically explore its associated concepts and how they might be translated into practice.
Building on work in feminist studies, queer studies and critical race theory, this volume challenges the universality of propositions about human nature, by questioning the boundaries between predominant neurotypes and ‘others’, ...
"This book aims to be ambitious in its approach.
This volume reproduces the original thesis with the addition of a new introduction, giving some background to the creation of the work and offering thoughts on the current neurodiversity movement