The diverse landscape of gay and lesbian Philadelphia is a story of highs and lows. From rustic post-Civil War days when Camden poet Walt Whitman crossed the Delaware River on a ferry or caroused Market Street "eyeing" the grocery boys, to the beginnings of ACT UP more than one hundred years later, the gay and lesbian community in Philadelphia has never lost its flair for the dramatic.
Gay and Lesbian Philadelphia is a historical look at the neighborhoods, events, and people that have been a part of this community. The 1920s saw the birth of private dance bars on Rittenhouse Square. It was a time when drag shows in straight bars were the order of the day, as was the presence of men in drag during the annual Mummer's Parade on New Year's Day. The pre-Civil Rights era, when segregation was the status quo, saw the proliferation of African American house parties in neighborhoods such as North Philadelphia, where black gays and lesbians formed a community. During the 1950s and 1960s, Rittenhouse Square was the site of informal public gatherings. These gatherings of friends and strangers helped set the stage for the Annual Reminder, the first public protest in support of "homosexual equal rights," which took place every Fourth of July at Independence Hall. Throughout all of these eras, members of the community faced challenges, celebrated victories, and continued to try to blend their lives with those of their gay and straight neighbors.
... inhabitants are greatly Exposd . to the Saviges by whome our wives and Childring are daly Cruily murdered Notwithstanding our most Humble Petitions Canot Obtain Redress- By an other act we are Taxd . which in our 398 APPENDICES .
Gayle , Margot , and Edmund V. Gillon Jr. Cast - Iron Architecture in New York . New York : Dover Publications , 1974 . Geisst , Charles R. Wall Street : A History . New York : Oxford University Press , 1997 . Gibson , Charles Dana .
Features Nonportable material remains such as building foundations , wells , graves , and landscaping elements are referred to as features . Archaeologists give special attention to features because they are so highly informative about ...
... Eric Foner, Ella Laffey, John Laffey, Sidney W. Mintz, Brenda Meehan-Waters, Jesse T. Moore, Willie Lee Rose, John F. Szwed, Bennett H. Wall, Michael Wallace, John Waters, Jonathan Weiner, Peter H. Wood, and Harold D. Woodman.
One later law did return to the theme of interracial sex and , in doing so , projected and interlinked concerns about the perceived vulnerability of white females and the imagined predatory nature of black males .
35 ) segregation on common carriers , 282 Funders , 20-21 , 132 Fairclough , Adam , 109 , 272 , 297 Falls , Nathan , 141 Falls Church , Va . , 140 , 243 Fauquier County , Va . , 180-85 Fellowship Forum , 191 Ferguson , Homer , 47 , 113 ...
A moment-by-moment account of the 1906 earthquake and the fire that followed it, using new source material and many eyewitness reports.
"The Grand Excursion of 1854 celebrated the opportunities created when the railroad reached the banks of the Upper Mississippi River. Curtis and Elizabeth Roseman remind us of this significant connection and how it has influenced, ...
Journal of a Visit to the Georgia Islands is a record of that trip, and although unsigned, internal evidence points directly to prominent Georgia entrepreneur Jonathan Bryan (1708-1788) as the author.
1986年洛杉磯中央圖書館,疑似遭到縱火,100萬本藏書付之一炬,是史上最嚴重的圖書館火災之一,且懸案至今未破。三十多年後,《紐約客》知名記者和《紐約時報》暢銷書作家蘇 ...