Milton chronicles the tremendous changes that have taken place in this town in the last century. Originally a part of Dorchester, Milton was incorporated as an independent town in 1662. For more than two hundred years, the area was primarily agrarian, with industrial activity along the Neponset River. Following the Civil War, Milton's population rapidly increased due to the convenience of the Dorchester and Milton branch of the Old Colony Railroad, which provided railway access to Boston. By the early 20th century, rampant development was occurring on all sides of the town. This generously illustrated volume, with vintage images placed alongside contemporary photographs, shows the changes that have taken place in Milton through the years.
publication may have had something to do with Milton's social life when he moved to London in 1640 and apparently dropped 'into the society of some young sparks of his acquaintance, the chief whereof were Mr Alphry and Mr Miller, ...
Encountering the great poet on his own terms, engaging his equally distinguished admirers and detractors, this book moves a 300-year debate about the significance of Milton's verse to a new level.
Previously published in the Oxford Authors series, this unique one-volume selection of Milton's poetry and prose includes all the English and Italian verse and a generous selection of his major prose works.
Meet John Milton.
The Portable Milton is an authoritative grand tour through the imagination of this prodigal genius.
The town of Milton, New York, lies near the center of Saratoga County.
Berkeley, David Shelley (1974) Inwrought with Figures Dim: A Reading of Milton's 'Lycidas'. The Hague and Paris: Mouton. Biberman, Matthew (1999) Milton, Marriage, and a Woman's Right to Divorce. Studies in English Literature 39.1, ...
Né en 1608 à Londres, John Milton, après des études à Cambridge, est conduit à renoncer à une carrière ecclésiastique ou universitaire toute tracée pour écrire, il le sait déjà, son œuvre.
Queer Milton is the first book-length study dedicated to anti-heteronormative approaches to the poetry and prose of John Milton.
The first and still the best! John Milton's overwhelming masterpiece, Paradise Lost - all 10,565 brain-busting lines of it, transformed into simple, everyday language! - the kind you and I...