Portland's development in the era from 1890 to 1950 is characterized by a 1911 statement that "as a bustling commercial center, an attractive place of residence, and a beautiful summer resort, Portland looms big." The city's leadership role as a major publishing nexus for early20thcentury American postcards accounts for the quality and quantity of the period images produced by firms such as Chisholm, Leighton, and Morris. Featuring many neverbeforepublished views from the extensive collection of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission, Portland offers a treasured visual reminder of a time when the city prospered as a major transatlantic port and played host to 250,000 tourists annually.
Our women's soccer team has its own army , known as the Rose City Riveters , plus a handful of badasses — including Lindsey Horan , Tobin Heath , and Emily Sonnett — who have redefined the sport on the global stage as part of the multi ...
Portland has 196 public staircases, an irresistible asset to this pedestrian-friendly city. In The Portland Stairs Book, Portland's walking guru Laura Foster has gathered the best and most interesting in a handy pocket-sized guide.
Amy Kesselman, Fleeting Opportunities: Women Shipyard Workers in Portland and Vancouver During World War II and Reconversion (Albany, N.Y.: SUNY Press, 1990), 24. Oregon Historical Quarterly 91 (Fall 1990): 285–91.
This history of Portland's bridges includes all the bridges on the Willamette River from the St. Johns to Oregon City, plus three bridges on the Columbia.
"True Portland: The Unofficial Guide for Creative People is more than a travel guide, it's a curated experience that captures the essence of what makes Portland different from other cities.
This is Portland is a first-hand look at a city that people can't seem to stop talking about.
Road, which traverses the lowlands between Mount Talbert and Mount Scott. Immediately you begin to climb the south flank of Mount Scott, a 1,091-foot bulky and largely bald peak, passing all manner of residential STA RTI N G POI NT ...
Whether you're looking for a leisurely stroll full of shopping and snacks or a vigorous trek over tree-covered hillsides, grab this book, step outside and . . . walk Portland.
Portland: Oregon Historical Society Press, 2004. ———. Portland: Planning, Politics, and Growth in a Twentieth Century City. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1983. Blalock, Barney. Portland's Lost Waterfront: Tall Ships, ...
From the thriving arts scene of the Pearl District to the natural wonder of the scenic Columbia Gorge, it's all in this guide to the City of Roses.