Massachusetts MTEL English (07)

Massachusetts MTEL English (07)
English teachers
Research & Education Assoc.
Audrey A. Friedman


Get Licensed and Get Teaching! NEW Massachusetts Teacher Certification Test Prep Puts Teachers in a Class of Their Own! First Edition with CD-ROM TestWare®! REA’s new test prep for the MTEL (Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure) English (Field 07) was specifically designed for prospective educators seeking a Massachusetts English Language teaching license. Teacher candidates typically take the MTEL as they are nearing completion of, or have completed, their undergraduate work. Fully aligned with the standards of the Massachusetts Department of Education, the book contains an in-depth, targeted review that covers all areas of the state’s official exam topics, including Literature & Language, Rhetoric & Composition, Reading Theory, Research & Instruction, and the Integration of Knowledge and Understanding. Two full-length practice exams feature every type of question, subject area, and skill tested on the MTEL exam. Our practice tests replicate the multiple-choice and open-ended portions of the official exam, allowing teacher candidates to assess their skills and gauge their test-readiness. The interactive CD-ROM includes the book’s two exams in a timed format with automatic scoring and instant feedback, allowing teacher candidates to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Our test prep comes complete with test-taking tips and strategies, plus detailed explanations of all practice test answers. This book is a must for anyone seeking certification as an English teacher in Massachusetts.

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