Concerned About Passing the CAHSEE English-Language Arts Exam? Then You Need REA’s New CAHSEE Test Prep with CD-ROM! If you’re concerned about passing the CAHSEE English-Language Arts exam and getting a high school diploma, don’t worry. REA’s new TestWare� edition of our popular California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) English-Language Arts test prep helps students sharpen their skills and succeed on this high-stakes exam! Fully aligned with California’s core curriculum standards, our test prep provides up-to-date instruction and practice high school students need to improve their English Language abilities. The comprehensive review features student-friendly, easy-to-follow examples that reinforce the concepts tested on the official CAHSEE English-Language Arts exam, including: vocabulary, grammar and usage, reading comprehension, literary analysis, writing strategies, and drafting and revising essays, plus skill-building exercises that reinforce key English language lessons. Our tutorials and targeted drills increase comprehension while enhancing the student’s English Language skills. Color icons and graphics throughout the book highlight important concepts and tasks. REA’s test-taking tips and strategies give students the confidence they need - so they can pass the exam and graduate. The book contains two full-length practice exams that allow students to test their knowledge and reinforce what they’ve learned. The interactive CD-ROM TestWare� includes two unique practice tests not found in the book - for a total of four exams! The tests on CD-ROM are given in a timed format with automatic, instant scoring. Each practice exam comes complete with detailed explanations of answers, allowing students to focus on areas in need of further study. This book is a must for any California student preparing for the CAHSEE English-Language Arts exam!
Maybe you are not sure if you are going to buy this book. Remember though, it only a few percentage points divide the PASS from the FAIL students! Even if our test tips increase your score by a few percentage points, isn't that worth it?
If Students Need to Know It, It's in This Book This book develops the English and reading comprehension skills of 10th graders.
Each practice exam comes complete with detailed explanations of answers, allowing students to focus on areas in need of further study. This book is a must for any California student preparing for the CAHSEE math exam!
Roadmap to the California High School Exit Exam: English-Language Arts
English Language Arts Study Guide: California High School Exit Exam