Study with REA and Get the BEST Score on the CBEST!! Updated 7th Edition with Practice Exams on CD! Nationwide, more than 5 million teachers will be needed over the next decade, and all must take appropriate tests to be licensed. REA gets you ready for your teaching career with our outstanding library of Teacher Certification test preps! Written by professional educators, REA's updated CBEST (California Basic Educational Skills Test) test prep helps prospective teachers in California and Oregon prepare for this important exam and get licensed. Completely up-to-date and fully aligned with the latest test specifications, our comprehensive review chapters cover the Reading, Writing, and Mathematics material tested on the CBEST. Targeted drills, lessons, and key tutorials in each chapter enhance the specific skills you need to succeed on the test, while reinforcing what you've learned as you study. The test prep comes complete with a customized study schedule and REA's expert test-taking strategies and tips. A diagnostic test plus two full-length multiple-choice practice exams help you refresh your knowledge and focus on areas in need of improvement. Both of the book's exams are featured on our TestWare® CD with the most powerful scoring and diagnostic tools available today. Automatic scoring and instant reports help you zero in on the topics and types of questions that give you trouble now, so you'll succeed when it counts! Our on-screen detailed explanations of answers help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. We don't just say which answers are right ? we also explain why the other answer choices are incorrect ? so you'll be prepared on test day! This book is a must for anyone looking to teach in Oregon or California! REA books and software have proven to be the extra support teacher candidates need to pass their challenging test for state licensure. Our comprehensive test preps are teacher-recommended and written by experts in the field.
Test Prep Book's CBEST Test Preparation Study Questions 2018 & 2019: Three Full-Length CBEST Practice Tests for the California Basic Educational Skills Test Developed by Test Prep Books for test takers trying to achieve a passing score on ...
Test Prep Book's CBEST Test Preparation Study Questions 2018 & 2019: Three Full-Length CBEST Practice Tests for the California Basic Educational Skills Test Developed by Test Prep Books for test takers trying to achieve a passing score on ...
Your guide to a higher score on CBEST ®: California Basic Education Skills Test Why CliffsNotes?
This book includes exam background information, a mini-course (often used in California test-prep classes) divided into 24 lessons with practice questions, and four practice tests. There is also a FREE online exam.
"APEX Test Prep believes that preparing for your test shouldn't be harder than the test itself. Which is why we create study guides that are both comprehensive and straightforward to ensure that you are properly prepared to ace your test.
Bernadette Brick , Lara De Meo , Connie Donahue , and Beth Hackett , all Editorial Assistants , for their editorial contributions . Joanne Morbit , for typesetting the book . CONTENTS CBEST STUDY SCHEDULE . ..... viii INTRODUCTION .
Written by California professors familiar with this regional exam, REA's CBEST test preparation guide includes comprehensive reviews in reading, mathematics, and essay writing.
Provides comprehensive reviews of the reading, mathematics, and writing skills portions of the exam, test-taking strategies, and three full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations.
CBEST Secrets includes: The 5 Secret Keys to CBEST Success: Time is Your Greatest Enemy, Guessing is Not Guesswork, Practice Smarter, Not Harder, Prepare, Don't Procrastinate, Test Yourself; A comprehensive Mathematics review including: The ...
Complete CBEST!: California Basic Educational Skills Test Study Guide