REA's CLEP test preps are perfect for adults returning to college or attending for the first time, military service members, high-school graduates looking to earn college credit, or home-schooled students with knowledge that can translate into college credit. /Our review covers all the College Algebra topics found on the official exam: sets, number systems and operations, exponents and radicals, equations, inequalities, ratio and proportion, and more. /Students start their study by taking our half-length diagnostic practice test online. This timed test includes automatic scoring and diagnostic feedback, so students can pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses. The book includes 2 full-length practice tests that mirror the actual exam, allowing test-takers to become familiar with the test format before taking the CLEP. Each practice test comes with detailed explanations of answers, so students can identify areas in need of improvement and be prepared on test day.
"Develops algebraic concepts through finding and creating spatial and number patterns"--Page 4.
Prentice Hall Algebra Two with Trigonometry
The book employs Kaufmann and Schwitters' straightforward, three-step approach to problem solving--which guides students in learning a skill, practicing the skill to solve equations, and then using the equations to solve applications ...
Kaufmann and Schwitters have built this text's reputation on clear and concise exposition, numerous examples, and plentiful problem sets.
Test Items and Chapter Tests for Kaufmann's Intermediate Algebra: Functions, Graphs, and Applications
Instructor's Solutions Manual for Kaufmann/Schwitters' Intermediate Algebra, Sixth Edition
College Algebra
This text's reputation is built on clear and concise exposition, numerous examples and plentiful problem sets.
Contains complete, worked-out solutions for odd problems.
Three nickels e . n nickels f . ( n − 2 ) nickels Ans . 5 ( 3 ) or 15 cents Ans . 5n cents Ans . 5 ( n − 2 ) cents 11. In a collection of coins there are four more dimes than quarters . If x represents the number of quarters ...