Winner of the 2006 COVR Award Life can be overwhelming for anyone struggling with finances, career choice, family issues, and romance. Tarot can offer new perspectives, guidance, and inspiration to guide one through life's difficult choices and challenges. Rachel Pollack's warm and friendly approach puts beginners at ease as they learn about tarot and how it applies to their lives. Emphasizing this centuries-old divination tool as a fun way to spark personal insight, she demonstrates how to become familiar with the cards through intuition. Detailed descriptions of the Major and Minor Arcanas are provided, along with examples of how they can apply to one's life. Overall, readers are encouraged to dive into the fascinating world of tarot, where goals, dilemmas, and dreams are brought to life by a colorful cast of characters.
Featuring the vibrant artwork of award-winning artist Mark Evans, Witches Tarot is the perfect combination of Tarot and the Craft.
With each step forward we take , with each bit of knowledge , of light we gain , we are adding to the light within the human race . This card also has significance for metaphysical groups , be they Craft or something other , for it ...
... sparks of golden light in the form of the Hebrew letter Yod . Again , Yod symbolises the hand of God / dess reaching down to humanity , and our hands reaching up to this Source for help . Since all comes from God / dess , why is it ...
The Rational Tarot: How to Use It, why it Works
KHAN , Yitzhac Tarot and The Game of Fate Sebaac , San Francisco , 1971 KNIGHT , Gareth A Practical Guide to Qabalistic Symbolism Helios , Toddington , 1969 KOCH , Rudolf HOLLAND , Vyvyan ( trans . ) The Book of Signs Dover Publications ...
Tarot and You
In this beautiful re-working of the Tarot, author and artist Clive Barrett has painstakingly pieced together Egyptian life and mythology, basing his designs on archaeological knowledge and historical fact.
The Norse Tarot Pack
The Norse Tarot: Gods, Sagas and Runes from the Lives of the Vikings