A first-person account of living in a haunted house.
I finally got enough. As in the first book, I have not altered these stories, except to correct some of the grammatical and spelling errors. These are the true stories, of Lubbockites, in their own words.
With beautiful cover illustration by Alex T. Smith, creator of the Claude series, Dial a Ghost is a wonderfully spooky young fiction title from the award-winning author of Journey to the River Sea, Eva Ibbotson.
This episode is brought to you by Margaret Dunlap, who cautions you to be careful where you wander on the world wide web. Magic is real, and hungry—trapped in ancient texts and artifacts, only a few who discover it survive to fight back.
He didn't go anywhere near the main shopping area, but many of the cafes and restaurants on the side streets lay empty or closed. Elverd Place. This led onto Cutler Avenue, which in turn was dissected by Adamson Terrace, where he lived.
“What about the Trojans?” Ramirez asked. “It's interesting imagery when you put it in the context of the apple we found in LaNeva's stomach,” said Apiro. “Adam and Eve tasted an apple and gave up immortality. Aphrodite bribed Paris of ...
Nobody believes them or really behaves like that . They're just wisps of some former generation's HELEN . Ghosts . OSWALD . You could call them ghosts . Ghosts of ideas ... HELEN . Then you don't love me either . OSWALD .
We don't speak to each other like that in this house.” “Right, and that's whyI'm going ... “That was back when he was blissfully in love,” Matilda said, finishing her glass of milk. “And what is he now? ... “We don't call them ghosts.
She would not turn to look at him. He waited and still she refused herself to him and he left her, after a moment, there by the window in the moonlight. ... Don't call them ghosts—not in my presence, if you please! They're alive.
Sparks began to shoot out from the racks of circuit boards inside with ear drum piercing pops. 'Guv!' Will tried once again. 'Help me Will, please!' John cried as he tore at the cables. William shut his eyes and reluctantly joined in ...
Aspiring to be the fastest sprinter on his elite middle school's track team, gifted runner Ghost finds his goal challenged by a tragic past with a violent father.