This objective exploration of shamanism and its place in contemporary life leaves no stone unturned as Dr. Walsh examines shamanistic traditions throughout history, and how they intersect with modern psychology and metaphysical studies.
Here is an unprecedented collection of our spiritual roots that offers a radical new understanding of the planet we share.
THE SPIRIT OF SHAMANISM ROGER N. WALSH , M.D. , Ph.D. The author would like to thank the following people and. A Jeremy P. Tarcher / Putnam Book published by G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS New York A Jeremy P. Tarcher / Putnam Book published by G.
Blending science with ancient traditions of healing and spirituality, this book examines the evidence for the mind's ability to heal, from a doctor who performs operations guided by the spirit of a dead physician, to firewalks in Brazil
A hunter, for example, might use a fetish to invoke the presence and power of Mountain Lion, the guardian of the north in their mythology, the elder brother of all the animal spirits, and the master hunter as well.
Shamanism for Beginners concludes with a thoughtful, empowering look at how shamanic practices can help restore balance and peace to our lives and the earth.
The World of Classical Myth: Gods and Goddesses, Heroes and Heroines. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press. Ruck, Carl A. P., Blaise Daniel Staples, and Clark Heinrich. 2001. The Apples of Apollo: Pagan and Christian Mysteries of the ...
This book shows how to wake up from the collective nightmare and begin to dream a life of courage and grace, a sacred dream that shamans throughout time have known and served.Alberto Villoldo reveals ancient wisdom teachings that explain ...
A series of psychological and anthropological studies about the oldest and the most fascinating religious tradition of Korea.
Healing the World takes the fundamental teachings of shamansâ "the healer of communitiesâ "and applies them to the problems of today, using terms and concepts that anybody, from business leaders to activists, can relate to and understand.
Wilbert found that South American Indians use tobacco in many ways and that a close functional relation exists between tobacco and shamanism.