Since 1905, "Llewellyn's Moon Sign Book" has helped millions take advantage of the Moon's dynamic energy. This edition features Sally Cragin's new and full moon forecasts for all 12 signs of the zodiac, plus topical articles, a gardening guide, and more.
Your personal horoscope 2009: 21st April-21st May. Taurus
Your personal horoscope 2009: 22nd May-21st June. Gemini
Your complete one-volume guide to the year 2009. This fantastic and in depth book includes month-by-month forecasts for every sign and all you need to know to find out what is in store for you in the year ahead.
When you see the general mood of the mass of people swing one way, then the other, and then sometimes back again, all seemingly without rhyme or reason, this is Astro-Weather.
When you see the general mood of the mass of people swing one way, then the other, and then sometimes back again, all seemingly without rhyme or reason, this is Astro-Weather.
THE CUSP - BORN AQUARIUS ..4 The Cusps of Aquarius ..5 THE ASCENDANT : AQUARIUS RISING ..6 Rising Signs for Aquarius ... MOON IN EACH SIGN .78 MOON TABLES .85 Time Conversions ..85 Moon Sign Dates for 2009 ..86 Moon Phases for 2009 ..90 ...
Furnishing horoscopes for July 2008 to December 2009, an updated new collection of astrological guides by one of America's leading astrologers presents a host of predictions for the upcoming year, along with daily, eighteen-month outlooks ...
This sign might respond to some of the newer stones on the market , such as labradorite , a gray stone that flashes electric blue , or to some of the other purple stones such as sugilite , tanzanite , or purple jade .
Furnishing horoscopes for July 2008 to December 2009, an updated new collection of astrological guides by one of America's leading astrologers presents a host of predictions for the upcoming year, along with daily, eighteen-month outlooks ...
Highly respected astrologers, sought after consultants and frequent lecturers Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer have each authored countless magazine articles and books and appeared on radio and TV programmes.