Llewellyn's 2011 Witches' Datebook is perfect for the busy Witch on the go. An appointment book, calendar, and magical reference all rolled in one-this practical datebook will help you align your life with the Wheel of the Year. Packed with Sabbat recipes, Moon rituals, tips on using magical herbs, Sabbat musings, and astrological information, you'll find fun, fresh ways to celebrate the sacred seasons and enhance your practice.This edition features articles on storytelling in ritual (Deborah Lipp), animal medicine (Kristin Madden), found magic (Dallas Jennifer Cobb), creating a paired path (Gwinevere Rain and N. Dante Lugo), and choosing the May queen (Magenta Griffith).
From creating your own personal myth to balancing a hectic pagan lifestyle to avoiding the pitfalls of pagan celebrity devotion, this year's edition is filled with wry and relevant articles from innovative thinkers, authors, and experts.
Planetary influences for each day • The Moon's sign and phases A glossary of magical terms • Pagan holidays and lore Color and incense correspondences for each day Timing tips to add planetary power to your spells The magical workings ...
JORDAN D. BROWN has written award-winning books, articles, and websites for children, teachers, and parents.
With this collection of magical wisdom at hand, you can enhance every day of your life and deepen your craft with nature's empowering energies.
A comprehensive name guide is written specifically for Witches, Pagans and anyone who wants factual and in-depth information on a wide variety of names.
Offers simple spells for various occasions that require minimal supplies, and cross-references the 365 spells by purpose: love, health, money, protection, home and garden, travel, and communication.
Stafford, UK: Immanion Press/ Megalithica Books, 2005. Discussion of temporal magic and how to make it work for you. Faige, David. “The Space-Time Continuum: A Thesis.” Dave's Web Site. www.west.net/~ke6qp/spacetime/spacetime.html ...
This helpful handbook is chock-full of protection witchery and psychic self-defense techniques you can use to keep yourself and your home strong, secure, and protected.
Self-Knowledge and Healing Through the Wheel of the Year Tiffany Lazic. Forty. Mythological. Reflection. on. Thanksgivings. Here at the Fall Equinox, we find familiar traditional themes of harvest celebration and thanksgiving.
Tess Whitehurst is an intuitive counsellor, energy worker, feng shui consultant, and speaker.