If you're one of the countless fans of ghost hunting TV shows itching to get off the couch and track some spirits on your own, this book provides everything you need to know to conduct a successful paranormal investigation. Professional ghost hunter Rich Newman shares proven scientific methods, tried-and-true low-tech approaches, and the latest technology used by the pros. You'll learn what ghosts are, why hauntings occur, the different types of supernatural phenomena, and the importance of conducting responsible investigations. Find out how to form a team, interact with ghosts, gather and examine evidence—and what not to do when seeking spirits. Along with helpful hints, insider tips, and seasoned insights gained from Newman's decade of field work, Ghost Hunting for Beginners is peppered with true accounts of ghost stories from famous cases and the author's own investigations.
Featuring expert advice on picking a haunted location, setting up cameras, and dealing with unwieldy ghosts, this book shows how today's investigators use the tools of modern science to study a wide range of paranormal activity.
The book was created by Randall Cropp, host of PROJECT PARANORMAL, and it features his tried and true methods for finding, communicating, and documenting interactions with spirits. Readers will discover: - What ghosts actually ARE.
A manual that teaches the true craft of ghost hunting. Learn the preparations that you need, the basic tools of the trade, and essential tips and tricks to hunt and capture a ghost.
If you’ve ever wanted to head out on your very own ghost hunt, but don’t quite know how to get started, this guide will get you on your way.
In this book, you'll learn what ghosts are and how you can hunt one like a professional!
Ectoplasm...cold spots...orbs...everyone loves a real-life ghost story! Ghosthunter Melissa Martin Ellis takes you on an exciting journey into the supernatural world of haunted sites, restless souls, and messages from beyond the grave.
An easy to follow and comprehensive guide to the quickly growing hobby of ghost hunting!
A Beginners' Guide to Ghost Hunting
A winner of the University of North Carolina Thomas Wolfe Award for Fiction, he wrote columns and articles for the Asheville Citizen-Times from 1992 to 1995. A widely consulted expert on paranormal research, he was hired by the famous ...
Covers ghost-hunting investigation techniques, detection equipment, spirit communication, cameras and photo analysis, historical research and more!