Thirty reproducible activities plus 6 tests in each volume.
The Teacher's Activity Kit Complete for Volumes 1-3 includes five reproducible activities and one test for each of the 18 units in Volumes 1-3 of the Student Books.
UNIT 13 LESSON 54 Figured Bass To indicate what inversion of a chord to use , numbers are added to the Roman numeral of that chord . This system originated during the BAROQUE PERIOD ( 1600–1750 ) and is called FIGURED BASS .
LESSON 3 UNIT 1 Bass Clef and Staff The BASS CLEF ( pronounced " base " ) is used for notes in the lower pitch ranges . The bass ( or F ) clef has evolved from a stylized letter F : 9 into the present 步 The BASS STAFF TIMIT The two ...
Computer software is also available with randomized drilling of the material and scorekeeping. This Alto Clef edition includes primarily alto clef examples, but also presents treble and bass clef examples.
Computer software is also available with randomized drilling of the material and scorekeeping. This Alto Clef edition includes primarily alto clef examples, but also presents treble and bass clef examples.
Andrew Surmani, Karen Farnum Surmani, Morton Manus ... 1 to e 2 3 P 6 3 Six Progressively Graded Games on Each Player Card Andrew Surmani • Karen Farnum Surmani • Morton Manus 4 : 9 : 9 : 4 1 2 3 3 free be space : be 4 : : 다 4 1 2 . a ...
Alfred's Essentials of Music Theory Software Volume 1 covers all of the material in Student Book, Volume 1 (item 00-17231) and includes narration of new concepts, animation, exercises, games and ear-training with recordings of a variety of ...
Alfreds Essentials of Music Theory is designed for students of any age, whether listeners or performers, who want to have a better understanding of the language of music.
A combination text and workbook in three volumes. All areas of music theory are covered in a concise and practical manner and each level contains 28 lessons.
UNIT 13 LESSON 54 Figured Bass To indicate what inversion of a chord to use , numbers are added to the Roman numeral of that chord . This system originated during the BAROQUE PERIOD ( 1600–1750 ) and is called FIGURED BASS .