Pornography is a volatile issue in the United States_depending on the source of opinion, it can be viewed as either demeaning or empowering. explores whether the issue is similarly contentious around the world.
The book is organized in three parts: Part 1. Emerging directions in social capital research. This section highlights novel directions in social capital research.
Interventions based on the human rights-based approach are integrated throughout the book.
This volume examines and compares the criteria and procedures surrounding the defense of insanity across twenty-two countries.
This distinctive work addresses the status of women in the areas of education, work force, marriage and divorce, the Constitution, abortion and contraceptives, public office, military service, and health care.
Not only will this book increase international awareness, it may supply you with unique perspectives and fresh strategies for solving the problems your colleagues in Jerusalem and Pretoria also face.
The book should be of interest to researchers, graduate students or anyone else interested in understanding and reflecting upon the uses, roles and functions of social science in today's globalised world. Book jacket.
Contains pamphlets, newspaper and periodical reprints on the topic of teenage pregnancy.
The primary purpose of this book is to invite educators to (re)think what it means to critically conceptualize knowledge about the world.
Badgley , R. F. , Allard , H. A. , Proudfoot , P. M. , Ogilvie , D. , Gelinas , P. M. , Sutherland , S. , McCormick , N. , Fortin , D. , Rae - Grant , Q. , & Pepin , L. ( 1984 ) . Sexual offences against children ( catalogue J2-50 ...
This book examines the central role media and communication play in the activities of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) around the globe, how NGOs communicate with key publics, engage stakeholders, target political actors, enable input ...