The exploration of personal identity and theories of narrative in Narrative Identity and Personal Responsibility is extraordinarily suggestive, resulting in implications for theories of action as well as ethics and psychology. Taking seriously the thought that we mediate our relations with the world by means of self-defining narratives grounded in the natural phenomenon of desire provides new answers to old puzzles of what it means to be human.
Perhaps one of the most impressive classic examples is in Thomas Hardy's account of Egdon Heath at the opening of The Return of the Native , where we have this : ' The qualifications which frequently invest the facade of a prison with ...
We recognise Chopin's 4th Ballade . She plays with her eyes closed ; after a while , a few teardrops seep from beneath her eyelids and fall down her cheeks . Fade to black . Chopin's 4th Ballade played in my head and I closed my eyes ...
Student Handbook for English
Journal Jumpstarts: A Month of Creative Writing Prompts
Journal Jumpstarts: A Month of Creative Writing Prompts
Writing the Natural Way Gabriele Rico , Tarcher , 1983 . Pain & Possibility Gabriele Rico , Tarcher , 1991 . The Women Writers ' Handbook Eds . Robson , Georgeson 162 Creative Writing : A Handbook for Workshop Leaders.
... the order it is written ; the comma separating the coordinate adjectives should mark a pause , or break in speech . ... builder a frightening automatic weapon the snug and warm cabin the stern but fair captain a cool , crisp morning ...
Shooting Panda's?: Editing for Creative Writers
Ignite their imagination through creative writing activities. Develops a love of writing while developing key skills. This book introduces the importance of story planning and progresses to different types and styles of writing.